CONCERT TICKETS can now be picked up at Student Campus Centre (55 Gould St. Toronto, ON, M5B 1E9) from 10 AM to 3 PM on March 4, 2011.
The maximum number of concert tickets are two per person and canned/non-perishable food donations are required in order to receive the tickets. All donations are going towards a good cause. If you do not have a food donation to give, a donation of $5 must be made in order to receive the tickets.
For those who are unable to pick up tickets, you can also bring a canned/non-perishable food donation, clothing donation, or $5 donation to the actual event to be able to attend.
Event: Concert and Fashion Show feat. “A Tribe Called Quest”
Location: The Opera House (735 Queen Street East)
Time: 7:00PM - 2:00AM
Thank You!